Monday, March 3, 2014


Banyak riset menunjukkan, tingkat obesitas di negara maju seperti Amerika Serikat cenderung lebih tinggi ketimbang negara-negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Tapi ternyata anggapan itu keliru. Tingkat obesitas di Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat ternyata tidak jauh berbeda.

Jumlah penderita obesitas (kegemukan) di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun. Maraknya gaya hidup tak sehat dianggap sebagai salah satu penyebab utama kenaikan jumlah penderita obesitas tersebut. Oleh karena itu bisnis pelangsing merupakan  suatu bisnis yang menjanjikan untuk dijalankan kedepannya, Apalagi menjalankan bisnis Isagenix yang baru akan launching di Indonesia 2014.

 Tanggal 9 September 2013 Acara SOFT LAUNCH Isagenix Malaysia baru saja berlalu di Kuala Lumpur , ibukota negara Malaysia . Resmi Malaysia menjadi pasar ke 9 perusahaan Isagenix International LLC . Malaysia dipilih imenjadi hub Isagenix untuk melebarkan jaringan bisnis di wilayah Asia Pasific .

Dato Dr Ronnie Tan yaitu Managing Director Isagenix Asia Pasific mengatakan bahwa Isagenix Malaysia diprediksi memiliki sekitar 45.000 anggota setelah setahun beroperasi di pasar . Bulan pertama sampai September 2013 ini , Isagenix mempunyai sekitar 1500 anggota . perkembangan Isagenix di malaysia sangat baik .

Dato Dr Ronnie Tan juga mengatakan bahwa 5 pasar baru lagi akan dibuka pada tahun 2014 yaitu Cina , Indonesia , Thailand , Vietnam dan Phillipines dan beberapa negara lain seperti India , Jepang , Cambodia . Dalam jangka waktu 2 tahun sekitar 4 milyar penduduk di Asia dapat membeli produk-produk Isagenix dan bergabung dengan Isagenix sebagai distributor dan selanjutnya menikmati penghasilan yang menjanjikan. 

BISNIS ISAGENIX DAHSYAT & MELEDAK== Kenapa kita wajib sabar menunggu isagenix datang ke indonesia.. karena ini satu peluang bisnis yang sangat luar biasa, produk-produk isagenix di akui sebagai salah satu meal replacement (pengganti makan) yg terbaik dan mereka memiliki program Nutrisi cleansing (detox seluruh organ) yg hebat dan membuat banyak orang terkagum2.

ISAGENIX juga memiliki sistem plan yg mudah & potensi penghasilan yang sangat luar biasa (tidak mustahil jika anda bergabung sekarang & fokus membangun jaringan, anda jadi milyarder tahun depan). ====================

Isagenix terakhir telah diakui diantara Top Company yang tercantum dalam 500 Fortune Amerika sebagai 100 perusahaan terbesar bahkan nama Isagenix masuk ke ranking 5 besar untuk
The Top 25 Network Marketing Companies , mengalahkan perusahaan pesaing nya dan perusahaan yang lebih dulu berdiri. 

Tapi sabar Isagenix baru launching di indonesia sekitar Nov-Des 2014 == GM: Bp. Agung karto sarjono, kantor sdh dipersiapkan. Kami membutuhkan banyak leader dan Distributor untuk bergabung bersama tim kami di Indonesia untuk bersiap menyambut kehadiran IsaGenix di INDONESIA. Mari bergabung bersama tim kami.

Hasil meeting Team R1 Isagenix Indonesia dgn Bpk. Agung Karto Sardjono sbg MD PT. Isagenix Indonesia di Citos, Jaksel, 16 Feb 2014 : 
  • Saat ini pendirian PT, pengurusan ijin pemerintah dan APLI serta pengajuan BPOM sedang dalam proses. 
  • Sistem Marketing Plan sama dgn yg berlaku di negara lain hanya saja perhitungan BV sdg dilakukan dan disesuaikan dgn di Indonesia. 
  • Kemungkinan besar harga produk hampir sama dgn harga di Malaysia. 
  • Target rencana Soft Launching dan Setting server web Insya Allah sekitar bln November-Desember 2014.  
  • Target rencana Grand Opening Insya Allah sekitar bln Nov-Des 2014. 
  • Kantor Representativ Isagenix Indonesia sudah dipersiapkan dan direncanakan di Dipo Bussiness Centre, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 50 - 52, Jakpus (samping JDC Slipi) seluas 800 m2.  
  • Sekarang Sudah bisa daftar lewat Isagenix Hongkong dengan membeli produk dari malaysia dan singapura

  • ISAGENIX Merupakan bisnis skala Global yang sudah berdiri kurang lebih 11 tahun. 
  • 7 tahun berturut turut (termasuk tahun 2013 ini) masuk dalam daftar 500 INC.  
  • Peringkat 29 Dari 100 MLM Raksasa di DUNIA, padahal Baru 12 tahun, Melebihi dari 4LIFE, VEMMA, MONAVIE, JEUNESSE GLOBAL, dan perusahaan lainnya yang berdiri di tahun 2000an.  
  • 7 Kali Mendapatkan Stevie Award (Oscarnya Perusahaan MLM). 
  • Acreditasi perusahaan Peringkat BBB + 
  • Bukan OBAT DIET atau PELANGSING, Melainkan metode CLEANSING Tubuh dengan Mendetox Sel-sel 
  • Produk BUKAN Supplement Melainkan PENGGANTI MAKANAN (bikin Kenyang dan Sehat) Bonusnya Berat badan anda Bisa Turun.
  •   Dan yang PASTI AKAN SEGERA MASUK DI INDONESIA sekitar bulan Nov-Des 2014 (Managing Director Indonesia sudah ditunjuk oleh Isagenix International LLC di Amerika dan beliau merupakan orang lama yang sudah ikut membesarkan He*****fe di Indonesia)
  •   Isagenix bakal menjadi produk kesehatan dan penurunan berat badan terhebat yang akan hadir di Indonesia.

  1. Tidak ada pewarna buatan atau rasa 
  2. Tidak ada pemanis buatan 
  3. Tidak ada stimulan 
  4. Tidak Mengandung protein kedelai 
  5. Semua alami dan organik 
  6. Semua bahan baku menggunakan technology COLD PROSES diproses dengan hati-hati lembut penuh kasih untuk memastikan bahwa semua phyto-nutrisi tetap terjaga 
  7. Semua bahan baku berasal dari tumbuhan yg di panen dari berbagai wilayah di dunia 
  8. Produk pilihan untuk Vegan , Gluten Free , Dairy FREE dan Kosher  
  9. Di Perkuat dengan 70 Ionik Mineral dan Trace Mineral (WOW FACTOR)  
  10. Mengandung 8 Enzim untuk pencernaan dan asimilasi 
  11. Exclusive Undenatured Whey Protein Concentrate (PROTEIN MURNI tanpa campuran)  
  12. LEBIH DARI 600 BAHAN BAKU yg tersedia di dalam produk isagenix , semua diuji sebelum digunakan  
  13. Lebih $ 1.000.000 (10 Milliar) dihabiskan setiap tahun utk pengujian barang jadi untuk memastikan BEBAS dari mikrobiologi , logam berat, pestisida, semua batch produk diuji untuk memastikan integritas dan keamanan 
  14. Lebih $ 300.000 ( 3 MILLIAR) dihabiskan setiap tahun utk pengujian independen pihak ke-3 
  15. Lebih $ 500.000 (5 MILLIAR) dihabiskan setiap tahun utk uji keamanan bahan baku  
  16. Hasil Cepat bisa di rasakan 2-4 HARI berat Badan PASTI TURUN.. 
  17. Produk untuk segala usia dan untuk masalah kesehatan khusus , gaya hidup dan sangat fleksibel.
Peluang baik untuk anda, kami mencari rekan bisnis yang serius yang akan menjadi distributor di berbagai kota di indonesia. Isagenix masih baru di Indonesia. Peluang Anda sangat besar untuk menjadi Jutawan. Segera Ambil Keputusan Ubah hidup anda sekarang.

Let's Start for new Bussiness with Isagenix....

Hub : Reza Desita
No Hp/line/wechat/whatsApp : 081374248585
Pin BB  :  2B0625BC

Sertifikat Halal

Isagenix is the PERFECT Business Opportunity

· The start-up cost is minimal
· Anyone can do this
· Little to no overheads
No Inventory
· Great – World –Class Products
· Experienced Corporate Leaders
· High Integrity Company
· Exceptional Marketing and Field Support
· Leading edge Technology and Systems
· First Class Customer Service
· No boss – YOU’RE THE BOSS
· No Employee
· No Commute
· No Traffic jam
· No Shipping
· No handling of product
· No Creating Product
· No Handling Cash
· No Territories
· You only need to share the products and business with people

Kathy Coover, EVP of Isagenix is one of DSN 20 Most Influential Women in Direct Sales and INC 5000 Women in Business.

Kathy Coover, EVP of Isagenix is one of DSN 20 Most Influential Women in Direct Sales and INC 5000 Women in Business.
Kathy Coover, EVP of Isagenix is one of DSN 20 Most Influential Women in Direct Sales and INC 5000 Women in Business.







John_Anderson, Founder and Master Formulator, Isagenix
John Anderson
This 11 years’ old company’s Founder and Master Formulator, Dr John Anderson has 30 years experience & has formulated more than 2300 products for 600 companies before starting Isagenix. They have 30 in-house scientists and collaborate with top hospitals and universities and spend millions on testing to ensure safety of their products. Many Doctors and Professional Sportsmen also endorses & uses our products including
  • Dr Michael Colgan, a renowned US & Australian Olympic Sports Physician
  • Dr Bill Andrews, a brilliant genetics scientist noted for his breakthrough research on telomeres support which has led to revolutionary anti-aging products like Isagenix’s Product B (see video on Product B below).
Jim Coover, co-founder, Chairman & President of Isagenix
Jim Coover
Jim Coover, chairman and president of Isagenix, has more than 30 years’ experience in building and guiding successful companies that have helped shape the health and wellness industry. He led one of the fastest growing and most popular weight-loss companies in history, serving more than seven million customers and exceeding over $1 billion in sales.
Jim’s experience and leadership has been instrumental in building a world class marketing team and infrastructure to support Isagenix and its nearly $2 billion in cumulative sales.
Kathy Coover, co-founder & Executive Vice President of Isagenix
Kathy Coover
Kathy Coover, Executive Vice President, is a nationally recognized and respected field leader and trainer in the Network Marketing industry. Since 1992, Kathy has become a top money-earner in three separate companies, generating millions in income. Her training and support systems have helped to create many Isagenix millionaires and helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs achieve new levels of financial freedom.
Kathy is responsible for developing the most dynamic training system in the industry. An expert at training people to learn and duplicate proven selling techniques, Kathy has coached hundreds of thousands of Associates, who are responsible for driving Isagenix sales up an astonishing 1300% in just five years.
Suk Cho, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer RDDr Suk Cho, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer brings breadth of product development experience and diverse technical knowledge to our Isagenix® management team. Since joining the company in 2010, he has directed new product concept and development, managed international regulatory affairs, overseen all quality management processes including structure-function claims support and label compliance, and has initiated or supported clinical trials that have provided scientific substantiation of Isagenix products.
Dr. Cho received his B.S. in Biochemistry at Juniata College, his M.S. in natural product chemistry at Miami University, and his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at Emory University. He has more than 30 patents and has authored or co-authored more than a dozen articles or abstracts in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Previously, Dr. Cho served on the Scientific Advisory Board or in upper-level management of R&D for a variety of nutrition-related companies. He was also R&D manager for global consumer product giant Unilever for nearly a decade.


  • Toxic environment eg pollution or harmful ingredients from our foods, water, personal care products, EMF from mobile or wireless devices etc
  • Nutritionally bankrupt foods (eg processed foods, fast foods etc)
  • GMO – Genetically Modified OrganismsGMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” or BioTech “Scientifically Engineered” foods are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses or other plants and animals. These experimental combinations of genes from different species cannot occur in nature or in traditional cross breeding.
  • Busy Lifestyles prevent you from getting / preparing a healthy meal so you end up eating junk or processed foods
  • Stress - either physical or emotional – can upset your physical and mental health
  • Bad Nutrition can cause chronic Inflammation - the root cause of many diseases
  • Allergies - Wrong foods can make you sick.
  • Chemicals and other harmful ingredients in our food – pesticides, preservatives, additives, etc
  • Medicines and Pharmaceuticals prescribed by doctors or other health professionals
why you need good nutrition everyday certified Halal by INFANCA   for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc
why you need good nutrition everyday

Isagenix – Are You Toxic? (12 mins)

This is why we need to do nutritional cleansing at a cellular level.

How The Isagenix System Can Help You

with Whole Body Nutritional Cleansing

This is NOT Colon Cleansing. This a revolutionary, propriety Whole Body Nutritional Cleansing at the cellular level.
Whole Body Nutritional Cleansing, Cellular Replenishing and Youthful Aging certified Halal by INFANCA   for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc
posture decay and the lack of good protein nutrition
posture decay and the lack of good protein nutrition

30 day money back guarantee

ISAGENIX is food Whole Body Nutritional Cleansing, Cellular Replenishing and Youthful Aging certified Halal by INFANCA   for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc

YES!  Isagenix is Food!


isalean isalean pro isa pro whey protein shakes meal replacement Whole Body Nutritional Cleansing, Cellular Replenishing and Youthful Aging certified Halal by INFANCA   for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc
IsaLean Shake:
is one of the basic five pillars of the Isagenix Products line. It is premium nutrition that includes a balanced ratio of high-quality, healthy fats and energy-boosting carbohydrates. It promotes weight loss and an increase in lean body mass. (See IsaLean ingredients here). Two scoops mixed in eight oz. of filtered water, and drink it down! Buy Isagenix Products
isagenix cleansed for life detox, cellular whole body cleanse
Cleansed for life
Isagenix Cleanse For Life:
Every day we’re exposed to toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the items we touch. Cleanse for Life helps give your body the nutrition it needs to cleanse itself naturally, and unlike other “cleanses,” laxatives or diuretics that can deplete your body, Cleanse for Life nourishes and feeds your entire body with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and botanicals. Isagenix ProductsDeep and daily cleansing with either powder or liquid forms of IsagenixProducts – Cleanse for Life, supports your mental and physical performance, resistance to stress and digestive health. It can also help protect your body from the cumulative damage of environmental toxins and oxidative stress. For regular use, just two oz./day, or for a deep cleanse, four oz. four times daily.
Ionix_Supreme adaptogens anti-oxidants Whole Body Nutritional Cleansing, Cellular Replenishing and Youthful Aging certified Halal by INFANCA   for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc
Ionix Supreme:
is produced using a brewing process that enhances the benefits of the ingredients to help normalize the body’s functions, as well as rejuvenate and protect your body from stress. This nutrient-rich tonic contains antioxidants for cell protection and plant-based adaptogens to increase your body’s resistance to the negative effects of stress. Buy Isagenix ProductsIonix Supreme was designed to energize the cells and increase the body’s resistance to stress, while supporting mental and physical functions. Available in both powder and liquid forms, Ionix Supreme is one of the four pillars of health and a strong foundation for overall wellness. Just one oz. per day dosage. Buy Isagenix Products today to get started on health improvement!
Want_More_Energy wme drink Whole Body Nutritional Cleansing, Cellular Replenishing and Youthful Aging certified Halal by INFANCA   for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc
Want More Energy? (wme):
is a refreshing drink powder containing Vitamins A, C and B complex, electrolytes and nutrients that are lost during stress and exercise.
Isagenix Snacks Chocolate Certified Halal by INFANCA   for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc
contain high-quality whey and casein protein, healthy fats and energy-boosting carbohydrates that will satisfy you on Cleanse Days or any day. They can be taken throughout the day, even when you’re not cleansing to help curb appetite and avoid eating unhealthy snack foods
e+ shot - natural energy drink Certified Halal by INFANCA   for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc
e+ shot – natural energy drink
e+ Energy Shot:
a convenient 2-ounce liquid energy shot that provides an energizing boost to fight fatigue. Unique in its formulation, e+ contains natural caffeine derived from green tea and yerba maté along with a proprietary, adaptogenic botanical blend that increases energy, stamina and mental alertness.
t+ chai tea for de-stress-ing Certified Halal by INFANCA   for Muslim countries like Malaysia, Indonesia etc
t+ Chai Tea:
is one of the most widely consumed and perhaps healthiest beverage in the world. T+ unique formulation contains spiced black tea supplying significant amounts of polyphenolic antioxidants. Complementing the tea are adaptogens which help :
  • Calm the mind and improve concentration·
  • Enhance focus and maintain concentration.·
  • Polyphenolic antioxidants which supports healthy aging·
  • Enhance body’s ability to combat stress
  • Support balanced mood
  • Calorie Free

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